Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Favor Ideas: bags

Fancy something nice,simple and  eco-friendly. What about bags?
You can customized it according to your own taste! It's not only the perfect gift for a wedding but for all events.

It can be a gift for your flower girl during your wedding.Fill it with nice,little goodies for her. Believe me,she'd appreciate it and will cherish your big day.

Cotton Tote Bag

Just put any cute treats or sweets for your guests. They won't throw this bag away :)
Cotton Pouch Bag/ Drawstring Bag

Now, this one is a burlap bag.Burlap is  a woven cloth created from jute, hemp or flax fibers. It has a large weave pattern and a natural beige colouring.

 Burlap drawstring bag

Well,if you want to make your own DIY bag,check out this website: Threading My Way

*Photo credits: Wedding In A Teacup


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